- plugola
- взятка работнику телевидения за косвенную рекламу товара
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
plugola — ☆ plugola [plə gō′lə ] n. [ PLUG, n. 10 + (PAY)OLA] Slang 1. undercover or indirect payment, as to a performer, TV announcer, etc., for a commercial favor (as for favorably mentioning or displaying a particular product or brand name) 2. free… … English World dictionary
plugola — [plag”ola] n. a bribe paid to get a free advertising plug (worth far more than the amount of the bribe). □ How much plugola did you have to pay for that mention? □ The announcer was charged with accepting plugola … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
plugola — n A bribe to promote someone or something. Anyone can become famous if they pay enough plugola. 1950s … Historical dictionary of American slang
plugola — noun Etymology: plug + ola (as in payola) Date: 1959 incidental advertising on radio or television that is not purchased like regular advertising … New Collegiate Dictionary
plugola — /plu goh leuh/, n. Slang. 1. payment or favor given to people in media or motion pictures for favorable mention or display of a particular product or brand name. 2. promotional mention or praise of someone or something on radio or television.… … Universalium
plugola — plug·ola … English syllables
plugola — plug•o•la [[t]plʌˈgoʊ lə[/t]] n. 1) cvb sbz improper payment or favor given to people in media, films, etc., for promotional mention or display of some product 2) cvb sbz promotional mention of someone or something on radio or television •… … From formal English to slang
plugola — ˌpləˈgōlə noun ( s) Etymology: plug (I) + ola (as in payola) : incidental advertising on radio or television that is not purchased like regular advertising … Useful english dictionary
Clay T. Whitehead — Clay T. Tom Whitehead (November 13, 1938 – July 23, 2008) was a United States government official who served as director of the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy from 1970 to 1974, during the Nixon administration. He pioneered a… … Wikipedia
-ola — 1. a formative of no precise significance found in a variety of commercial coinages (Crayola; granola; Victrola) and jocular variations of words (crapola). 2. a suffix extracted from payola, used in coinages that have the general sense bribery,… … Universalium
bribe — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. graft, bait; grease, payola, fix, hush money (all sl.). v. t. overtip; suborn, tempt, corrupt, grease [the palm]. See offer, purchase. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. graft, fee, reward, hush money, sop, lure … English dictionary for students